During my election campaign, I made a manifesto commitment to set up a ‘Parish Improvement Project’ to bring together parishioners to make St Brelade even better. I am holding an initial meeting at Communicare on Wednesday the 28th June at 1900 for parishioners who might be interested in volunteering for the parish. I would like to form a team of people who will support me, my fellow Deputies, parish staff and the Connétable with the following activities:
• Community support to parishioners • Organising Events • Play opportunities for children and young people • Community Gardening • Arts and Crafts projects • Social media and publicity • Cycling and road safety
Please come along to share ideas about how we can make greater use of parish resources and encourage community involvement and a greater range of activities.
Date: Wednesday the 28th June 2023 Venue: COMMUNICARE CENTRE (Cargill Room ) Time: 1900 – 2030
If you would like to support but can’t attend the meeting – please get in touch with me directly : www.miles4stbrelade.com Helen@miles4stbrelade.com h.miles@gov.je